To the best friend/girlfriend[i know i m going to get screwed for this]/philosopher/guide/anything in the world...U r d best!! I love you so much.I owe you a lot.Happy bday honey.remember to thank me when you c the gift .Waiting to hear from you.
I want you to take a look at: Tata can save the turtles
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25 things About yourself
Stepping foot into the blogging world today.I owe it to the girl who tortured me to do this. Thank you Abe:)
I'm sure at this point of time you would be feeling a rank outsider on this blog, so let me displace your apprehensions. Yes, this is my personal space but that doesn't mean you can't be a part of it. You are welcome to feel at home, provided at heart you feel the same and I guess that would only happen if you personally know me or on a broader perspective want to know me. Feel free to comment on my opinions, feel free to let me know in case I'm going wrong but once and for all let me re-iterate...whatever I post in this space would be my personal opinions which may or may not be as per your liking. After all its not for no reason that a personal diary is termed 'personal'.
There was a time when the creator thought that the world was getting too filled up with the same types, he decided to send a new type as an experiment, and i was born.Soon people around me felt i was different, new introductions agreed with them and I felt I was kind of well.... umm...... a bit different actually.So i decided to honor the creator by proving that his new experiment was a success, and failed miserably in the attempt, but the creator just said, "Why do u worry buddy??, You are a success. YOU ARE THE NEXT IMPROVED VERSION OF MANKIND!!!"
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